Wednesday, January 17, 2007

From Shane Clairborne

Shane is young and has a clear prophetic voice. He writes:
"As an evangelical, the only way I know to invite people into Christian faith is to 'Come and see.' After all, I'm not just trying to get someone to sign a doctrinal statement, but to come to know love, grace, and peace in the incarnation of Jesus, and now the incarnation of the body, Christ's church. So if someone asked me to introduce them to Jesus, I would say, 'Come and see. Let me show you Jesus with skin on.' Sometimes we have evangelicals (usually from the suburbs) who pretentiously ask how we 'evangelize people.' I usually tell them that we bring folks like them here to learn the kingdom of God from the poor, and then send them out to tell the rich and powerful there is another way of life being born in the margins. For Jesus did not seek out the rich and powerful in order to trickle down his kingdom. Rather, he joined those at the bottom, the outcast and undesirables, and everyone was attracted to his love for people on the margins" (The Irresistable Revolution, pp. 126-127).